Category: ANSI experiments
Introducing my new game, “Doubles”
Remember how I mentioned in a previous post that I was writing two new BBS doors? One was called “Jewel Mountain,” an experimental project I’m making for my daughter; the other was “Sports Stats,” which would let users see standings and scores for baseball and basketball. Well, a third project came up and leapfrogged those…
I came across a cool new Ludum Dare project by Levi D. Smith called ANSI_GFX_ADVNTR It’s a simple BBS door-style game, similar in feel to Legend of the Red Dragon, but implemented in C and SDL. I like the game’s big colorful screens, and I hope he will consider making it into an actual BBS…
Birthday screens using GIF -> ANSI converters
Earlier this year I set up my very own Synchronet BBS. I had been a cosysop for many years as a kid, but I never had my own BBS on my own hardware. My little BBS is a private one for me and my kids. My oldest daughter uses it the most. As we got…