Category: Atari ST

  • Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 2: Larry Mears

    Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 2: Larry Mears

    This is the second part of a multi-part series. Larry Mears prided himself on living in “Rocket City” — Huntsville, Alabama, the home of the Marshall Space Flight Center — but lamented that his high-tech town had no Atari dealers. Mears was an Atarian from way back. Excited by the promise of home computers, he…

  • Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 1: Introduction

    Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 1: Introduction

    This is the first part of a multi-part series. “My God, what a fantastic program you’ve written! It’s astounding! I’m very, VERY impressed! This will change BBSing in the Atari world forever.” These words, written in February 1990, kicked off a gushing fan letter — the kind of feedback every hobbyist software developer dreams of…

  • I’m heading to Atlanta — plus, Jack Tramiel’s phone numbers

    I’m heading to Atlanta — plus, Jack Tramiel’s phone numbers

    I’ve been remiss in sharing some fantastic news. In April, I was awarded a “Geffen and Lewyn Family Southern Jewish Collections Research Fellowship” from the Rose Library at Emory University! This fellowship will enable me to travel to Atlanta for a week or two and study materials at Emory related to several Jewish educational games…

  • Try Kirschen’s games and software on the Internet Archive

    Try Kirschen’s games and software on the Internet Archive

    It’s been a little over a year since I began publishing the Kirschen software collection, and during that time I have also worked to upload Kirschen’s software to the Internet Archive and make it playable in the browser. The entire collection is tagged “kirschen-software” to make it easier to find. The emulation works well for…

  • Our latest special collection: The ACE-St. Louis “NewsLine”

    Our latest special collection: The ACE-St. Louis “NewsLine”

    It’s time to stop waiting. Years ago, I scanned and OCRed my own collection of eight issues of “NewsLine”, the newsletter of the Atari Computer Enthusiasts of St. Louis, or ACE-St. Louis, club. Of course there were many more issues of the “NewsLine” beyond these eight. I held off publishing them for a long time,…

  • Unearthed: Kirschen’s Atari ST projects

    Unearthed: Kirschen’s Atari ST projects

    The artificial personalities “Murray” and “Mom” were among the very first entertainment offerings for the Atari ST computer. They were also the first products released by Israeli cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen’s new “LKP, Ltd.” software studio in Israel, in partnership with his American firm, “Just For You, Inc.” “Murray and Me” (monochrome, 1985) “Murray and Me”…