When I was on the Bobby Blackwolf Show in February, we discussed TradeWars 2002 and Legend of the Red Dragon. Early in our back and forth on LoRD, I said: “It became… you know, depending on who you talk to, probably the number one or number two game out of BBSes.” Blackwolf followed up by saying: “TradeWars is usually number one, LoRD is number two.”
I don’t think anyone would dispute that TradeWars 2002 and Legend of the Red Dragon were the two most popular BBS games. But which was the most popular? Is it even possible to know?
The most players
To me, “most popular” means “had the most players.” So let’s start there.
Seth Robinson, author of LoRD, once made his own estimate along these lines. He said in an interview with BBSmates.com that LoRD was being played about 1 million times per day at its peak. He based his estimate on registrations, his guess at pirated copies, and how many players an average game had.
But that figure is pretty squishy.
A better, apples-to-apples comparison would be the number of registrations sold to sysops.
John Pritchett includes this figure on the statistics page at his TradeWars Museum wiki. According to one of his graphs, the total number of registered TradeWars 2002 games from 1990-2011 was close to 20,000.
Robinson has never, as far as I can tell, stated publicly how many LoRD registrations he sold. So, we can’t compare those figures.
Update: Robinson tweeted today “I think LORD had 15k-20k legally registered systems, somewhere in there. Piracy was a real problem, especially with my simple keys.”
So registrations for the two games were in the same neighborhood.
At this point, maybe we should take a step back. Popularity is subjective — and it changes over time. What if we define “most popular” as “best-remembered”? Is there a way to measure legacy?
Turns out there is a way, although it may not give us definitive answers.
Wiki Trends is a new data site that lets you compare Wikipedia articles’ pageviews over time with a cool interactive chart. (Check out my Visualizing 314 series to see something similar)
My interest was piqued by a tweet from Scott Weingart in which he said “No really, this does for wikipedia popularity what google ngrams did for books.”
As you probably know, Wikipedia is my best frenemy. I created the Break Into Chat wiki because WP editors began deleting BBS door game articles. Those deleted articles cannot be charted using Wiki Trends.
But Wikipedia still has articles for the biggest BBS games. So, let’s use Wiki Trends to compare pageviews of the TradeWars, Legend of the Red Dragon, Solar Realms Elite, and Barren Realms Elite articles.

I was surprised to find that the LoRD Wikipedia article has been more popular than the Trade Wars article over the last six years.
But even with this wonderful data, we still don’t have a solid answer. Why? Because there are two separate articles for “Trade Wars” and for “Trade Wars 2002.” The former is a more all-encompassing article that begins with the original Chris Sherrick version of Trade Wars and discusses its many derivatives. The latter is focused entirely on Gary Martin’s version of the game.
Should we just add the pageview totals for the two? Probably not, since many who landed on Trade Wars probably clicked through to the Trade Wars 2002 article.
What’s your take?
Ultimately, we end up where we started: with a fun, subjective question. It may indeed have a definitive answer, but we can’t grasp it with the data that’s available now.
I’m curious what you think? Did you have a favorite? If you were a sysop, did you ever have a sense of one game being more popular than the other on your board?
Share your thoughts!