NN AR Name FN RSL PSL AG MSGS SUBTYPE === == ------------------------------------- ======== --- === -- ===== ------- 0 The SysOps Sub SYSOPS 10 255 0 50 1 General BS BOARD1 10 20 0 100 2 TradeWars Tournament TWTURN 10 20 0 50 3 Sports SPORT 10 20 0 50 4 The SUPER Sub! SUPER 10 20 0 50 5 Attic Programerz! ATPRO 10 20 0 50 6 The Satanic Cow Cult COW 10 20 0 50 7 Macro Wars MACROWA 10 20 0 50 8 Ansi: "Show Off Your Artwork" ANSI 10 20 0 50 9 Poems..... PEOM 10 20 0 50 10 BBS Advertisements ADVER 10 20 0 50 11 Introduce Yourself INTO 10 20 0 100 12 Sexual Sayings SAYING 10 20 0 50 13 Coke vs. Pepsi COCA 10 20 0 50 14 Suggestions For The Board SUGG 10 20 0 50 15 Jokes.... JOKES 10 20 0 50 16 Music 'n stuff MUSIC 10 20 0 50 17 Clinton AGAIN? '96 Vote CLIT 10 20 0 50 18 Events..... EVENT 10 20 0 50 19 HUGGS AND KISSES SUB HUG 10 20 0 50 20 The Neverending Story STOR 10 20 0 50 21 Movies, TV & Entertainment HELL 10 20 0 50 22 The Dating Sub..... BITCHES 10 20 0 50 23 Buy, Sell, Trade & Steal 8IN 10 20 0 50 24 What you would do for a million dolla MILLOIN 10 20 0 50 25 The Green Dwarf.. "SmokeItUp" Subbie STASH 10 20 0 50 26 Internet Talk INET 10 20 0 50 27 TheNoSpaceSub DANOSPAC 10 20 0 50 28 Monty Python's Flying Circus MONTYP1 10 20 0 50 29 Sci-Fi Stuff SI-FI 10 20 0 50 30 The Long Serious Discussion Sub.. LNSERDIS 10 20 0 50 31 Shoe's Murtle Sub SNOEMUR 10 20 0 50 32 Keren's Wayside Tavern KARWAYTA 10 20 0 50 33 (SPORKnet) BBS Ads SPBBSAD 10 20 0 50 120 34 (SPORKnet) Suggestions SPSUGG 10 20 0 50 14 35 (SPORKnet) General Chat SPGENCHT 10 20 0 50 119 36 (SPORKnet) Help For WWIV Users & SysO SPWHELP 10 20 0 50 124 37 (SPORKnet) The Spork Discussion Sub SPRKDSC 10 20 0 50 1 38 (SPORKnet) Political Discussion SPPLTCS 10 20 0 50 127 39 (SPORKnet) Religion SPRELG 10 20 0 50 32 40 (SPORKnet) St. Louis Sports SPSTLSP 10 20 0 50 17 41 (SPORKnet) Star Trek Discussion SPTREK 10 20 0 50 15 42 (SPORKnet) General Humor SPHUMOR 10 20 0 50 116 43 (SPORKnet) Hugz!! SPHUGZ 10 20 0 50 125 44 (SPORKnet) Anarchy! SPANARC 10 20 0 50 31 45 (SPORKnet) The School SUCKS Sub SPSUCK 10 20 0 50 34 46 (SPORKnet) Trivial Pursuits SPTRIVI 10 20 0 50 113 47 (SPORKnet) Mind Benders SPMINDB 10 20 0 50 19 48 (SPORKnet) Chem Weapons & Explosives SPCHEMW 10 20 0 50 18 49 (SPORKnet) SysOp Sub SPSYSOP 254 254 0 50 13 50 (SPORKnet) Yellow Pages SPSUBAD 10 20 0 50 122 51 (SPORKnet) Programming Help And Tips SPPRGRM 10 20 0 50 24 52 (SPORKnet) Heaven, Hell And In Betwee SPHEAVN 10 20 0 50 27 53 (SelfNet) Around the Water Cooler SLFWATR 255 255 0 50 WATER 54 (SelfNet) Words of Wisdom from the NC SLFNCS 10 255 0 50 WORDSNC 55 (SelfNet) The Gated SysOp Sub SLFGATES 255 255 0 50 GATESYS 56 (SelfNet) Petting Lamar the Pet Lobst SLFLAMR 10 20 0 50 LAMAR 57 (SelfNet) Get a LIFE! SLFLIFE 10 20 0 50 LIFEHUH 58 (SelfNet) The Pen Pal Corner SLFPEN 10 20 0 50 PENPAL 59 (SelfNet) Mighty Black Ball of the BB SLFBLCK 10 20 0 50 BLACK 60 (SelfNet) Relationships SUCK Or Do Th SLFRELT 10 20 0 50 RELATES 61 (SelfNet) WWIV Support and Info SLFWWIV 10 20 0 50 WWIVINF 62 (SelfNet) Universal BBS Ads SLFUNIV 10 20 0 50 BBSADS 63 (SelfNet) LORD Tips, Hints & Cheats SLFLORD 10 20 0 50 TIPHINT 64 (SelfNet) The Entertainment Vortex SLFVRTX 10 20 0 50 MEDM31 65 (SelfNet) The Sports Page SLFSPRT 10 20 0 50 TSP31 66 (SelfNet) Mainstream Alternative Musi SLFALTM 10 20 0 50 MAINALT 67 (SelfNet) Not of this World: Music Ta SLFNOTW 10 20 0 50 NOTW 68 (SelfNet) DownBelow and the Promenade SLFDBPR 10 20 0 50 DOWNBEL 69 (SelfNet) Abortion Issues SLFABRT 10 20 0 50 ABORT 70 (SelfNet) GOD and Country SLFGODC 10 20 0 50 GOC31 71 (SelfNet) Multinetted Chat Room SLFNCHAT 10 20 0 50 NETCHAT 72 (Multinets) Shooting the Breeze UMBREEZ 10 20 0 50 SHOOT 73 (Multinets) The Child in All of Us UMCHILD 10 20 0 50 CHILD 74 Starburst Coffee House UMCOFFE 10 20 0 50 STRBRST 75 (Multinets) Why THAT Handle? UMHANDL 10 20 0 50 WHANDLE 76 (Multinets) How Holy Art Thou? UMHOLY 10 20 0 50 HOLY 77 (Multinets) Rush - A Big, Fat Idiot? UMRUSH 10 20 0 50 RUSH 78 (Multinets) The Editor's Desk UMEDIT 10 20 0 50 EDITORD 79 In-Depth Software Reviews UMREVIW 10 20 0 50 80 (Multinets) Oldies and Goodies UMOLDIE 10 20 0 50 OAG 81 (Multinets) http://popular.web.sites UMPOPWB 10 20 0 50 POPWEB 82 (GizmoNET) The Worlds of Imagination UMTWOI 10 20 0 50 TCOTS1 83 (GizmoNET) SysOps! GZSYSOP 255 255 0 50 GIZMO 84 (GizmoNET) Yellow Pages GZYELLW 255 255 0 50 SUBSC 85 (GizmoNET) Missouri SysOps Sub GZMISRY 255 255 0 50 MISERY2 86 (GizmoNET) Yet MORE BBS Ads! GZBBSAD 10 20 0 50 2301 87 (GizmoNET) Warner Bros vs. Disney GZWBDIZ 10 20 0 50 DISNEY 88 (GizmoNET) The Conduit Debate Venue GZDEBAT 10 20 0 50 LCDB 89 (GizmoNET) BBSes vs. Internet GZBBSIN 10 20 0 50 BBSINT 90 (GizmoNET) Hitchhiker's Guide GZHITCH 10 20 0 50 HHG 91 (GizmoNET) Beyond the Supernatural GZSUPER 10 20 0 50 SUPERN 92 (GizmoNET) Terminus Technical Q&A GZTERMN 10 20 0 50 TTECH 93 (GizmoNET) Video Games (w/ EA Employe GZVIDGM 10 20 0 50 VIDGAME 94 (GizmoNET) Weird News Items GZWEIRD 10 20 0 50 3486 95 (GizmoNET) Total Insanity! GZINSAN 10 20 0 50 INSANE 96 (GizmoNET) Redneck Jokes GZREDNK 10 20 0 50 REDNECK 97 (GizmoNET) The Bible: Just a Book? GZBIBLE 10 20 0 50 BIBLE 98 (GizmoNET) Fantasy and SciFi Book For GZSFBK 10 20 0 50 13486 99 (GizmoNET) Stolen Taglines GZTAGS 10 20 0 50 TAGS 100 (GizmoNET) General Chat GZGCHAT 10 20 0 50 CHAT 101 (GizmoNET) The Online Games People Pl GZGMPPL 10 20 0 50 ONLINER