Tag: demo

  • New ANSImation: Star Trek: The Trouble With The Rangifer Tarandus

    New ANSImation: Star Trek: The Trouble With The Rangifer Tarandus

    In December, I created a new ANSI animation for the holidays called “Star Trek: The Trouble With The Rangifer Tarandus”, which was released in Blocktronics’ “Darker Image #2” artpack. Here’s a video version of the ANSImation: But (as always), the best way to view this is to use SyncTerm to connect to my BBS, Guardian…

  • New ANSImation: Star Wars opening crawl

    New ANSImation: Star Wars opening crawl

    When Star Wars debuted in 1977, the first sequence audiences took in was the iconic opening crawl: a wall of yellow text rolling up the screen, shrinking toward a vanish point in the distance. This crawl was George Lucas’ homage to the old Flash Gordon serials of the 1930s (which inspired many other parts of…

  • New parallax ANSImation: Millennium Falcon dodging asteroids

    New parallax ANSImation: Millennium Falcon dodging asteroids

    I want to push boundaries. That’s what the original Star Wars films did. Industrial Light & Magic revolutionized special effects with novel new techniques for motion control and amazing model work. When I work on ANSI projects now, I try to think about ways to do things in ANSI that weren’t possible in the 1990s…

  • More VT-52 demos

    More VT-52 demos

    Ever since I was made aware of the “Beat Nick Part 2” demo, I’ve been eager to find other Atari ST demos and animations that make use of the Atari’s VT52 text mode. This week I found three more. I made some video captures of these demos as they appeared in the Atari ST emulator…

  • VT-52 demo: Beat Nick Part 2

    VT-52 demo: Beat Nick Part 2

    Since I began telnetting into Atari ST BBSes again regularly, I’ve gotten interested in VT52 which was the Atari ST’s native terminal mode. The Atari supported 16 colors in low-resolution, and 4 colors in medium-resolution (80 cols). If you know BBSes, you can think of it this way: VT-52 was to the Atari ST what…