Tag: atari st

  • Some love for VT52 on the Atari ST

    Some love for VT52 on the Atari ST

    One of this Atarian’s dreams has come true, though it took almost 14 years. Last week, Deuce (Stephen Hurd) released SyncTerm v1.6, which adds initial support for the Atari ST’s VT52 emulation mode, as well as the three ST screen resolutions and color palettes. Today, I made a short new VT-52 text animation to celebrate:…

  • IGNITE – The first all-IGS artpack!

    IGNITE – The first all-IGS artpack!

    I’m excited to announce the release of IGNITE, the first-ever all-IGS artpack, from the Mistigris art group and Break Into Chat. Download it now! … Or, if you’re not into downloading packs, extracting ZIP files, etc, then you can see all the pack content in a nine-minute YouTube video:

  • Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 6: Legacy

    Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 6: Legacy

    This is the sixth part of a multi-part series. The Instant Graphics and Sound format reached its zenith in September 1991 when artist Steve Turnbull published two psychedelic animations on a messageboard on the CrossNet network for Atari ST bulletin boards. Both were built around large triangles: a pyramid in one, a volcano in the…

  • Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 5: Point and click

    Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 5: Point and click

    This is the fifth part of a multi-part series. Thirty hours into his “world tour,” Jon Clarke was discombobulated. His business trip had begun on July 19, 1991, with a scary false alarm: during takeoff from his hometown of Auckland, New Zealand, the oxygen masks had suddenly deployed. He spent much of the rest of…

  • Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 4: The artist and the community

    Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 4: The artist and the community

    This is the fourth part of a multi-part series. Steve Turnbull’s world couldn’t have been more different from that of Larry Mears, creator of “Instant Graphics and Sound.” Mears was a shipping clerk in the Deep South. Turnbull worked in showbiz and lived in sunny Laguna Beach, California, in a yellow beach cottage with turqouise…

  • Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 3: The adventure begins

    Instant Graphics and Sound, Part 3: The adventure begins

    This is the third part of a multi-part series. User groups were the lifeblood of any Atari community, bringing together hobbyists to have fun and help each other. Consider ST-JAUG, the “ST Jacksonville Atari Users Group,” a computer club full of active-duty and retired military in the Jacksonville, Florida, area. On May 21, 1988, many…