Tag: artscene
Some love for VT52 on the Atari ST
One of this Atarian’s dreams has come true, though it took almost 14 years. Last week, Deuce (Stephen Hurd) released SyncTerm v1.6, which adds initial support for the Atari ST’s VT52 emulation mode, as well as the three ST screen resolutions and color palettes. Today, I made a short new VT-52 text animation to celebrate:…
IGNITE – The first all-IGS artpack!
I’m excited to announce the release of IGNITE, the first-ever all-IGS artpack, from the Mistigris art group and Break Into Chat. Download it now! … Or, if you’re not into downloading packs, extracting ZIP files, etc, then you can see all the pack content in a nine-minute YouTube video:
My first ANSI portrait
This summer, my daughter Ludi finally learned to ride her bike. She was the first of my four kids to do it. This dad milestone impacted me enough that I felt moved to try drawing my first ANSI portrait. I have dabbled with drawing ANSI in the past, but mostly lettering or simple icons. I…
ATASCII animations
You know a computer technique is old school when it was considered old-fashioned in 1985.
More VT-52 demos
Ever since I was made aware of the “Beat Nick Part 2” demo, I’ve been eager to find other Atari ST demos and animations that make use of the Atari’s VT52 text mode. This week I found three more. I made some video captures of these demos as they appeared in the Atari ST emulator…
VT-52 demo: Beat Nick Part 2
Since I began telnetting into Atari ST BBSes again regularly, I’ve gotten interested in VT52 which was the Atari ST’s native terminal mode. The Atari supported 16 colors in low-resolution, and 4 colors in medium-resolution (80 cols). If you know BBSes, you can think of it this way: VT-52 was to the Atari ST what…