Tag: animation
Some love for VT52 on the Atari ST
One of this Atarian’s dreams has come true, though it took almost 14 years. Last week, Deuce (Stephen Hurd) released SyncTerm v1.6, which adds initial support for the Atari ST’s VT52 emulation mode, as well as the three ST screen resolutions and color palettes. Today, I made a short new VT-52 text animation to celebrate:…
New ANSImation: Star Trek: The Trouble With The Rangifer Tarandus
In December, I created a new ANSI animation for the holidays called “Star Trek: The Trouble With The Rangifer Tarandus”, which was released in Blocktronics’ “Darker Image #2” artpack. Here’s a video version of the ANSImation: But (as always), the best way to view this is to use SyncTerm to connect to my BBS, Guardian…
Converting movie clips to ANSImation
Recently I’ve been captivated by the idea of taking video clips and converting them into ANSImations, then making them playable on my BBS. There are other, better converters, but I wrote my own in Python. It’s called Ansify. If you’d like to see the results, telnet to my BBS, Guardian of Forever right now! telnet://guardian.synchro.net…
ANSI mermaid swims in parallax
I made it into an artpack! It’s no exaggeration to say that as a kid I always admired the guys in the artscene. I saw their work from afar, and they inspired me to dabble in ANSI myself. I didn’t produce anything memorable, and I certainly never tried anything ambitious, like a character portrait. So…
Parallax-scrolling effect … in ANSI
Every so often I’ve been experimenting with Synchronet BBS’s Javascript capabilities, as I try to figure out how to make a BBS door game with my daughter.
VT-52 demo: Beat Nick Part 2
Since I began telnetting into Atari ST BBSes again regularly, I’ve gotten interested in VT52 which was the Atari ST’s native terminal mode. The Atari supported 16 colors in low-resolution, and 4 colors in medium-resolution (80 cols). If you know BBSes, you can think of it this way: VT-52 was to the Atari ST what…