Break Into Chat
Josh Renaud’s blog about BBS history, retro computing and technology reminiscences.
“On The Media” revisits a BBS “ghost town”
As a journalist, I listen regularly to NPR’s On The Media program. Imagine my surprise and delight when a fellow journalist sent me a link to OTM’s TLDR podcast from yesterday in which one of the program’s producers revisits his old BBS stomping grounds. The board was M-net, a large chat system that’s still running…
Hollie Satterfield, creator of “Space Dynasty”
What does it take to get published? How about a deranged TRS-80 Model I that has taken over a lunar colony? That did the trick for Hollie Satterfield in 1983, when 80 Micro magazine published his computer program “Attack of the TRS-80.” Afterward, he embarked on a career as a programmer analyst — and along…
Space Dynasty memories
They say first impressions are everything. That seems to have been true for teenage me when I tried Hollie Satterfield’s BBS door game “Space Dynasty” — and wrote it off. But first impressions are often wrong.
Another BBS game under development
A fellow named Spiro in New Zealand is developing a new LoRD- or OOII-style BBS door game. He’s writing it in Pascal under Linux. You can read about his progress and see some screenshots at his blog, The Old School Geek
I came across a cool new Ludum Dare project by Levi D. Smith called ANSI_GFX_ADVNTR It’s a simple BBS door-style game, similar in feel to Legend of the Red Dragon, but implemented in C and SDL. I like the game’s big colorful screens, and I hope he will consider making it into an actual BBS…
Birthday screens using GIF -> ANSI converters
Earlier this year I set up my very own Synchronet BBS. I had been a cosysop for many years as a kid, but I never had my own BBS on my own hardware. My little BBS is a private one for me and my kids. My oldest daughter uses it the most. As we got…