Category: Atari ST
Kevin MacFarland, creator of “Assassin”
From writing tic-tac-toe in BASIC as kid to creating the classic BBS door game “Assassin,” computer engineer Kevin MacFarland remembers his past life as the “C Monster.”
More VT-52 demos
Ever since I was made aware of the “Beat Nick Part 2” demo, I’ve been eager to find other Atari ST demos and animations that make use of the Atari’s VT52 text mode. This week I found three more. I made some video captures of these demos as they appeared in the Atari ST emulator…
The FBI’s Atari files
Did you know Atari was investigated by the FBI over a scheme in which they imported Japanese DRAM chips to the U.S. from their plant in Taiwan and resold the chips at greatly inflated prices? Neither did I, until tonight, when I stumbled across an awesome website called AtariLeaks.
Kids drawing on computers, then and now
Today was “Parents get to watch dance class” day. In the afternoon my daughter Ludi and I went to see my oldest daughter, Jadzia. The “public” part of the class came at the end, so Ludi and I were waiting for a bit. During the downtime we played a few games on the iPad, and…
Emulation is time travel
Some say time travel is impossible. But they are wrong. You don’t need Doc Brown and a DeLorean; all you need is an emulator. Lately I’ve been using DOSBox, an awesome cross-platform IBM PC emulator, to try some old BBS utilities from the 1990s.
VT-52 demo: Beat Nick Part 2
Since I began telnetting into Atari ST BBSes again regularly, I’ve gotten interested in VT52 which was the Atari ST’s native terminal mode. The Atari supported 16 colors in low-resolution, and 4 colors in medium-resolution (80 cols). If you know BBSes, you can think of it this way: VT-52 was to the Atari ST what…