Category: Atari ST
Web browsing on the Atari ST with a CosmosEx
Probably the best retrocomputing purchase I’ve made in recent years is the CosmosEx, a cool peripheral for Atari ST, STe, TT, and Falcon computers. Soon after I bought it, creator Jookie added “screencasting”, a feature which lets you control your Atari remotely through a web browser. Amazing! Around that time, Jookie was also working on…
Merry Christmas … Atari STyle
One of the Atari ST’s unique features was its MIDI interface. I never learned to play any instruments as a kid, but I have a feeling that if I had had an electronic keyboard to hook up to the Atari, things might have turned out differently.
Hatari, Lantronix, and CosmosEx: My quixotic quest to play “Thieves Guild”
Allow me introduce you to the “Thieves Guild Emulator,” a graphical front-end client for the Atari ST BBS game “Thieves Guild.” (Update: I have replaced the original video I posted with a new version that includes the game’s sound effects, as well as some gory combat) It took me a long time to reach the…
Mother’s Day: “Mom and Me” for the Atari ST
As Mother’s Day approached, I suddenly remembered two very old programs for the Atari ST which I had fooled around with as a kid. “Murray and Me” and “Mom and Me” were written by Yakov Kirschen, who called his creations “biotoons.”
Hearing from my software heroes
I spent much of my teenage life inside the confines of the Atari ST terminal program “ANSITerm” by Timothy Miller of Two World Software. I have mentioned the program before on the blog, and I even described it briefly when I was a guest on the Bobby Blackwolf Show podcast. But I’ve never really given…