Category: Atari ST

  • Web browsing on the Atari ST with a CosmosEx

    Web browsing on the Atari ST with a CosmosEx

    Probably the best retrocomputing purchase I’ve made in recent years is the CosmosEx, a cool peripheral for Atari ST, STe, TT, and Falcon computers. Soon after I bought it, creator Jookie added “screencasting”, a feature which lets you control your Atari remotely through a web browser. Amazing! Around that time, Jookie was also working on…

  • Jon Radoff, creator of “Space Empire Elite” and “Final Frontier”

    Jon Radoff, creator of “Space Empire Elite” and “Final Frontier”

    Jon Radoff is an internet entrepreneur whose career has gone from dial-up to “Beam me up.” Radoff broke into the gaming business as a teen, writing the BBS door games Space Empire Elite and Final Frontier for the Atari ST in the late 1980s. He built one of the original commercial games on the internet,…

  • Merry Christmas … Atari STyle

    Merry Christmas … Atari STyle

    One of the Atari ST’s unique features was its MIDI interface. I never learned to play any instruments as a kid, but I have a feeling that if I had had an electronic keyboard to hook up to the Atari, things might have turned out differently.

  • Hatari, Lantronix, and CosmosEx: My quixotic quest to play “Thieves Guild”

    Hatari, Lantronix, and CosmosEx: My quixotic quest to play “Thieves Guild”

    Allow me introduce you to the “Thieves Guild Emulator,” a graphical front-end client for the Atari ST BBS game “Thieves Guild.” (Update: I have replaced the original video I posted with a new version that includes the game’s sound effects, as well as some gory combat) It took me a long time to reach the…

  • Mother’s Day: “Mom and Me” for the Atari ST

    Mother’s Day: “Mom and Me” for the Atari ST

    As Mother’s Day approached, I suddenly remembered two very old programs for the Atari ST which I had fooled around with as a kid. “Murray and Me” and “Mom and Me” were written by Yakov Kirschen, who called his creations “biotoons.”

  • Hearing from my software heroes

    Hearing from my software heroes

    I spent much of my teenage life inside the confines of the Atari ST terminal program “ANSITerm” by Timothy Miller of Two World Software. I have mentioned the program before on the blog, and I even described it briefly when I was a guest on the Bobby Blackwolf Show podcast. But I’ve never really given…