Category: Atari 8-bit

  • Our latest special collection: The ACE-St. Louis “NewsLine”

    Our latest special collection: The ACE-St. Louis “NewsLine”

    It’s time to stop waiting. Years ago, I scanned and OCRed my own collection of eight issues of “NewsLine”, the newsletter of the Atari Computer Enthusiasts of St. Louis, or ACE-St. Louis, club. Of course there were many more issues of the “NewsLine” beyond these eight. I held off publishing them for a long time,…

  • Unearthed: My old OASIS BBS Atari floppy disk

    Unearthed: My old OASIS BBS Atari floppy disk

    For the last few years, I’ve been researching and imaging other people’s old disks — but recently someone turned the tables and salvaged one of mine! Let me tell you the story.

  • Unearthed: My Atari 8-bit cassette tape

    Unearthed: My Atari 8-bit cassette tape

    Last weekend, I was rummaging through my old Atari ST disks when I came across something I hadn’t noticed in 30 years: A cassette tape for my Atari 8-bit. As I have recounted before, I used hand-me-down Atari 800s, a 130XE, a 410 program recorder, and lots of other equipment and disks from family members…